Adjustable Roof Rack System incorporating Thule Wingbars for all elevating / pop top, high top or coach built campervan roofs.
The system comes with either two 2m or two 1.3m vehicle length rails (dependant on whether they are fitted inside or outside of the canvas), two 1.5m wide Thule Wingbar cross bars and a full custom made fitting kit for elevating roofs. The mounting hardware is a system which is designed and only made for Campervan Parts (our supplier), using custom made components.
The carrying capacity of this roof rack system is not limited by the system, but upon the elevating roof fixings on your vehicle. REIMO recommend no more than 35kg and SCA 70kg. If unsure of your roof’s carrying capacity, please approach your elevating roof manufacturer.
The new flat internal fixing system has been designed to work on roofs with at least 10mm of roof thickness (such as the SCA or REIMO roof). On thinner roofs or high tops, the internal fixings are different from that pictured.
This elevating roof rack system is available for fitting only at a cost of £250 – THE CUSTOMER MUST PURCHASE THE ROOF RACK THEMSELVES FROM CAMPERVAN PARTS UK
Our fitted cost is based on the customer purchasing the roof rack themselves and either bringing it or having it shipped to us.
If the wrong roof rack is purchased or there is any additional unforeseen work required or additional components are needed, this will be charged to the customer, but we will always try to keep to this standard cost.
Roof rack systems and accessories for self-fitting are available to buy at Campervan Parts. Click here to view roof racks on Campervan Parts’ website.
Adjustable Thule Wingbar Roof Rack System for most roof types.
Available for fitting only: