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7452BA34 657F 43D8 A214 D6ED1217CAD8
58A81472 EB4C 4323 BA8A 39951BCD2060

Beds and Seats

Rock and Roll beds


Vanscape will professionally fit a Rock & Roll bed to your van so that it not only looks great and makes your van more versatile, but it will be safe too.

We prefer to always fit beds/seats that have at least received the M1 tested status (designed and tested to withstand the forces of a crash) because even if the current owner never plans to carry passengers on it, the next owner might without realising that they’re potentially putting the lives of their passenger in danger.

Currently we are able to offer the supply and professional fitment of various bed solutions manufactured by “SMARTBEDS’, ‘Rusty Lee’ and ‘Scopema RIB’.

Some of these seat are available fitted to rails which will allow them to be moved backwards and forwards in the van, making the van far more versatile.

Contact us, preferably via e-mail, with your requirements and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible with current prices.


Summary of costs:

~ Prices for an upholstered 3/4 width M1 tested Rock n Roll bed, fully fitted are from as low as £1600



Kombi / rear seat fitting


Vanscape may consider fitting rear van seats that have been sourced by the customer.

To be considered these seats will need to be something like VW Kombi seats or Ford Transit Custom seats, and needs to include all floor brackets, seat belts, and any other parts required to successfully fit them legally to a van.


Summary of costs:

~ We charge £76 per hour, plus materials, for this service.


Product Summary

Rock and Roll beds supplied and fitted from £1600.

Customer supplied van rear seats fitted from £76 per hour